
Issue Solution
Why are the Talk keys flashing periodically?

Flashing Talk keys may indicate a fault in the cable.

Check the cable for short-circuit conditions and replace if necessary.

The Call functionality on my analog beltpack is no longer working. HelixNet Partyline operates at different voltage levels than analog two-wire Partyline systems.

The analog beltpack may have been damaged if it was connected to a HelixNet Main Station Partyline port.

Contact 十大正规体育平台 for repair options.

I cannot pass audio to wired / wireless intercom equipment over the Two-wire module.

Two-wire option modules require an external power supply. See Connecting to Other Intercom Systems

Why do I hear an echo when interfacing via a two-wire audio port?

Run auto-nulling.

Ensure that all unused Talk keys in the system are unlatched.

Echo occurs even after Two wire module has been auto-nulled.

Check to ensure all open Talk keys are not latched and re-null.

There is no audio or only partial audio (send or receive, but not both) between other audio systems / sources connected over four-wire.

Check the cable used to connect the equipment.

HelixNet to Eclipse four-wire connections only require a standard CAT cable, whereas other four-wire connections (to Tempest™, CellCom / FreeSpeak, and other systems) require an audio crossover cable. See:

HMS 4X Main Station

Connecting to Other Intercom Systems

Line 1 (or Line 2) LED is blinking red.

There is a short-circuit somewhere on that Powerline. Unplug everything from that Powerline and add cables and Beltpacks one at a time until you find the short-circuit.

Line 1 (or Line 2) LED is steady red and one or more Beltpack has no bars showing up for signal strength.

There are digital errors or there is cross-talk on that Powerline. Look at the Diagnostics->Powerlines->Powerline 1(or 2) page.

If the number of Beltpacks showing there is greater than what you physically connected to that Powerline, cross-talk is happening between the Powerlines. Make sure you are using properly shielded Mic cables or Cat cables.

If the number of Beltpacks showing there does match what you physically connected to that Powerline and errors or high collision rate is displayed, verify that you don’t exceed the number of Beltpacks per Powerline or distance as per the Cable capacity versus distance table.

High collision rate means communication issues on the powerline. Possible causes are:

  • Unshielded or bad cables

  • Powerline 1 looped back into Powerline 2 (or from one HMS to another)

  • Cables too long

  • Too many cables in the infrastructure (even unconnected strand count)

  • Too many devices on the Powerline

  • Faulty device

I inserted my USB drive with a ccb file on it and the Administration->Software->Update menu shows “None”.

Make sure that your USB drive is formatted with at least one partition. Make sure your .ccb file is in the root directory of the first partition on your USB drive. If not, you can run diskpart on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows to create a partition.

I upgraded to 1.1 but I cannot see the Networking menu.

Make sure you properly inserted an Ethernet or Fiber module in one of the option module slots. You can verify that they are detected by looking at the Modules Settings menu.

I powered up two Main Stations and they are not showing up in the Networking > Stations list.

Make sure your Ethernet of Fiber cable is properly connected to a router, a switch or another Main Station. There is a green LED beside each Ethernet and Fiber port to indicate that the connection is fine. Look at each station IP address and Subnet Mask under Networking > Preferences and make sure that they are part of the same subnet. Also make sure that their IP address is different from any other device on your IP network.

My connection to the CCM is intermittent.

This is generally caused by more than one device using the same IP address. Check with your network administrator that there is no IP clash.

My device has gone into link-local mode. (IP address = 169.254.XX.XX)

If your device is set to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and there is no DHCP available on the network, it is connected to it will revert to link-local automatically. You need to allocate a static IP address to this device. See Troubleshooting for more information.